Our program

General education

We commit ourselves to ensuring that all students, regardless of their ethnicity, socio-economic status, gender, or ability level, will enjoy an equal opportunity to succeed in school. Using shared decision-making, our entire school community unites to provide an educational program committed to excellence emphasizing language arts, visual and performing arts, math, science, and technology.

Language Programs

Our school offer language programs such as Cantonese K-5, English Plus Pathway & Elementary Bi-literacy Pathway.

Education Outside

Each week, the children have gardening class. They learn how to grow vegetables, help to create natural fertilizer, and taste their production in our own garden.

Teachers organize National parks field trips, where children learn more about nature and environment.

Arts & music

Each week, the children experience art class. They build projects as lantern creations, Christmas decoration, tied shirts, and more…

Teachers organize museums field trip, where children can learn more about different arts and culture.

Choir, danse, violin and ukulele lessons are also part of the art & music program of our school.

Science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics

Children learn how to use Chromebook, make experiences and build projects and more…

Physical education & sports

All elementary school students participate in physical education activities several times per week with our physical education & sports teacher.


A professional librarian is on site. She keeps our library collection well maintained. Children can borrow books on a weekly basis.